SAL Minutes 9/21/04


Teams Absent: Lower Merion

Teams with 1 rep: Bensalem, Centennial, Council Rock, Lower Moreland, & Springfield


1. Introductions to new league officers by President, Pete Crippen.


2. Discussion of what to do with the balance of $42,000 in league treasury. There was some talk of purchasing new computer equipment for the league.


3. League Directory information must be sent to the Webmaster, Andrew Jesaitis (NPAC).


4. Pete requested that any team interested in hosting division champs to send him an email ASAP.


5. Karen Palumbo is in charge of the Senior Award (and all ribbons and awards for championships). Each team needs to send a list of seniors to Karen for inclusion in the champs program. Scholarship applications are due by Jan. 8th. There is a $500 award, for male and female, per division.


6. Send Hall of Fame nominations to Mark McElwee.


7. Discussion about athletes Hall of Fame, to include swimmers & divers who started out SAL and competed college and Olympics. This advertising would be good for the league as well.


8. Boys & Girls registrars say that step by step instructions for Team Manager & Meet Manager are on the web site. Please watch roster entries so swimmers & divers are known by only one name. We can post rosters on the web, but they must come through the registrar. Reminder, meet results must be submitted by Monday after the meet, in HTML format.


9. Official clinic dates: Starter Ref – 10/21 Upper Dub 7PM

                                                            10/28 Upper Merion 7PM

                                    Stroke & Turn  10/19 Centennial 7PM

                                                            10/20 Upper Dub 7PM

                                                            10/26 Upper Merion 7PM

Rule books were distributed for Roger (by John McGinley). There was also talk of Methacton hosting a Stroke & Turn clinic – they will set date and let league know.


10. See Roger Ward or Jim Davison to set up a Diving Judging Clinic.


11. There was some explanation as to how schedule was developed – cross over meet and regular division schedule – THANK YOU Jamie Forlini.

12. Discussion about the difference between By-Laws and Operating Procedures. We will require a 2/3rds majority vote to accept a new team in the league; all other business can be conducted with a 50% vote. The Bylaws with changes were approved and will be posted on the web. New By-Laws and Operating Procedures take precedent over the old constitution.


13. Article 1: Discussion about 25 yard vs. 25 meter pools. It was decided that swims in a 25 meter pool would be converted to yard times as previously agreed and that swims in 25 meters do not count for records.


14. Discussion concerning setting an age limit for the league at 18. After much debate, it was voted to leave the age limit as open. Restrictions still apply to athletes competing on a collegiate level.


15. Discussion concerning an ineligible swimmer/diver vs. unregistered. Vote to leave language as is.


16. Article 5: discussion concerning reasonable/adequate facilities. No action required.


17. Article 10: discussion to change from having all 18 relay places at league champs to receive medals – approved. Division champs will remain at 12 places for relays receiving medals. Discussion that the limit of 2 relays to League champs & the Tri-meet remain; teams can submit unlimited relays to divisions.


18. Team track is still set up. Contact Len Rose at 215-914-0500 with any questions.


19. Souderton & Abington are looking for diving coaches if you know anyone who is interested.


20. Treasury balance is high - $44,000. It was decided that there would be NO dues this season for any team.


21. The league is still looking for a reasonably priced EMT to work league championships. Contact John McGinley if you know anyone interested.


22. New Business: Mark McElwee is looking to set up a social activity for the league reps, see him if interested. He would also like to see the league make the playing of the National Anthem played before all meets mandatory. After some discussion, it was decided that this was NOT an area the league could get into, however, the league would recommend it.


23. Invitational Meets:   Centennial Odd Age     11/14

                                                Norristown Harvest Meet

                                                Pennsbury Splash 1/16/05

                                                Upper Merion Last Chance 1/29/05


24. Coaches meeting at Upper Dub at 7PM on October 12th. Rosters are due.


25. If your team is interested in water polo this spring, see Pete Crippen.




Kathy Garro